"You Tube" is a very popular free video hosting and video sharing site where you can find and watch thousands of streaming videos, as well as upload videos in almost any video format to tag and share with others (videos can be made public or private). Videos can be categorized, rated, tagged, and commented. Registered members can upload an unlimited number of videos to YouTube.com, but there is an upload limit of 2 GB and 10 minutes in length per video file, so you can upload Full HD videos (1920x1280p). You can upload video file formats from most digital cameras, camcorders, and cell phones in the .AVI, .MOV, and .MPG file formats. For high quality vidoes, YouTube recommends uploading videos in the MPEG4 (Divx, Xvid) format resized to 320x240 resolution with MP3 audio. Video files uploaded to the service are converted to Flash 8 format for online video streaming. At the bottom of the page for every hosted video there is HTML source code to embed the video in a webpage, which you can use to make your embedded videos autoplay. YouTube supports mobile video uploads (upload videos from your phone or PDA). You can choose to broadcast your uploaded videos publicly, or share them privately with selected friends and family. Hosted videos remain on their servers until the users who uploaded them choose to remove them.
Reviewed on: 2006-06-10 -
(IP: 68.64.x.x) -
Rated: 9
Very good free video hosting service, though a little hard to navigate.
Reviewed on: 2006-05-30 -
(IP: 200.62.x.x) -
Rated: 10
YouTube requires lengthy registration process, but has great servers speed and flawless video playback. Good free hosting website to broadcast your videos worldwide, or search and browse through millions of original videos uploaded by other people to watch, comment on, tag, and rate. Depending on your ISP connection speed and the filesize of the video you are uploading, it might take from a few minutes up to several hours (if large) to upload a single video. With high-speed internet connections, the videofile upload will probably take between 1 to 5 minutes per MB. Look at their FAQ if you need help, or info for how to create videos.