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Free Video Hosting

Below is a list of websites providing free video hosting service for uploading and remote hosting video files in the form of free streaming video (not just video file downloads), whether the free videostreaming is restricted to be displayed on their web site only, or the free video streaming is allowed to be viewed directly on other web sites.  If you prefer to have a free host where your hosted file can be downloaded as a file (no need for streamingvideo), then see instead our list of free file hosting services (most of which allow uploading and downloading of videos, audios, music files, and many other filetypes).   In general, these free video file hosting services (such as one of the most popular free videohosts, YouTube) below are managed on a network of dedicated servers due to their popularity and the very high bandwidth usage required to host the large video files.  Click on the free videohost name to go to the hosting review page where you can see more detailed info for each, and read and give reviews and ratings of each free video hosting web site. If you want to host your own streaming videos clips on your hosted free web site pages, this website is a detailed tutorial guide to video hosting.

See also:
Free Image Hosting
Free Auction Image Hosting Sites for Ebay
Free Hotlinking Checker - Test Your Hot Linking Protection
Removed free video hosts, file hosts, and image hosts
Definition of "Direct Linking"
Definition of "Hotlinking" ("Hot Linking")

Free Video Hosting Directory

YouTube - "You Tube" is a very popular free video hosting and video sharing site where you can find and watch thousands of streaming videos, as well as upload videos in almost any video format to tag and share with others (videos can be made public or private). Videos can be categorized, rated, tagged, and commented. Registered members can upload an unlimited number of videos to, but there is an upload limit of 2 GB and 10 minutes in length per video file, so you can upload Full HD videos (1920x1280p). You can upload video file formats from most digital cameras, camcorders, and cell phones in the .AVI, .MOV, and .MPG file formats. For high quality vidoes, YouTube recommends uploading videos in the MPEG4 (Divx, Xvid) format resized to 320x240 resolution with MP3 audio. Video files uploaded to the service are converted to Flash 8 format for online video streaming. At the bottom of the page for every hosted video there is HTML source code to embed the video in a webpage, which you can use to make your embedded videos autoplay. YouTube supports mobile video uploads (upload videos from your phone or PDA). You can choose to broadcast your uploaded videos publicly, or share them privately with selected friends and family. Hosted videos remain on their servers until the users who uploaded them choose to remove them.

( Rating: 9.44 | Votes: 27 | Hits: 14,545 | Added: May 30, 2006 )

Below is an example music video clip hosted on YouTube:
Click the arrow below to play the video.

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