Free Image Hosting Directory - Free image web hosting with upload manager and online photo gallery creator. Upload your pictures free for posting images on message boards, hosting your ebay auction photos, and even sharing pictures with your family. You do not need to register, but creating an account lets you manage all your uploads and create online photo galleries. The web hosting for your hosted images is on a dedicated server. Filename extensions allowed: gif, jpg, bmp, png. The max filesize limit is 3000 KB. Uploaded pics are stored online at least 60 days.
( Rating: 8.90 | Votes: 29 | Hits: 32,304 | Added: Apr 4, 2005 )
ImageVenue - "Image Venue" uses a multiple server network to provide free image hosting for bloggers, eBay sellers, message board users, and personal websites. No registration is required. Your images will be web hosted on a Linux powered dedicated server network. Hot linking thumbnails on a message board, personal webpage, or ebay auction is allowed, but direct linking large images is only allowed for paid premium members. Maximum file size is 3 MB. Unlimited bandwidth and unlimited storage period. Free web hosting for these file types allowed: jpeg, jpg. Hosted images not accessed for one year will be deleted from their dedicated server.
( Rating: 7.98 | Votes: 111 | Hits: 61,413 | Added: Dec 16, 2004 )
ImageShack - Free web hosting for images with direct linking allowed (hotlinking). It can be used to share pictures with friends, post images on message boards. It can also be used to direct link images from your personal website or eBay auction. No signup required. Powered by highly reliable Linux dedicated server network. Limitations: File size limit 1.5 MB; File types allowed: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tif, tiff, swf (Flash). Their FAQ states that the freely hosted images will not be deleted from their hosting servers unless the image files violate their Terms of Service (TOS).
( Rating: 8.37 | Votes: 7820 | Hits: 226,026 | Added: Mar 21, 2004 )
PhotoBucket - Photo Bucket is a free image hosting company for ebay, online auctions, classifieds, message boards, blogs, live journals, and online photo albums. You can easily upload, categorize, add titles and delete images as needed. Direct linking is allowed, and there are tutorials for directlinking images on eBay auctions, MySpace, and Xanga. You can upload up to 20 pictures at once. Photos larger than 1 MB are automatically scaled down. Their BucketStamp is a dynamic imaging tool for you to share multiple images in a single link combined with some interesting animation, a form of photo gallery for your pictures. Limitations: 1 GB storage space; 25 GB/month bandwidth; 1MB (1024KB) file size limit; Extensions allowed: .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .swf (Flash files); Images must not contain any weird characters (numbers and letters only). The uploader converts bmp and tif to jpg. You can view the most recently uploaded pictures. Users in the UK have the ability to take any of their images or photos and publish to their mobile phone. You can optionally upload images via a regular email address. Also now features free video hosting -- users can upload, share, and publish video clips free up to 3 minutes long and 100 MB filesize (5 minutes in length if you are a premium user). Now serves over 500 million images a day. Photobucket has partnered with FilmLoop to make it easy for users to instantly create their own photo "loops" from existing image albums by simply clicking on the "Loop It!" button/icon in their photoalbum. FilmLoop is a free photo broadcasting ("photocasting") network/application that lets you broadcast photo "loops" to all your friends and family, displaying the photos in a "loop" on your computer.
( Rating: 8.66 | Votes: 4021 | Hits: 192,059 | Added: Dec 23, 2003 )
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